About Us


This site is designed and developed by WebYoda as a non-profit partnership project between local catering vendors to provide you the best possible catering options available in Tallahasee and the surrounding areas.

Each of the companies listed on this Web site has demonstrated a high level of quality food and service at affordable pricing for many years in our area.

It is our intent to share our experience with you to ensure that you too can enjoy the best possible dining and catering while you are visiting the Tallahassee area.

About The Catering Partners

Our Tallahassee catering partners offer great food, with affordable pricing, and superior service
Each of the Tallahassee catering companies listed below has been hand-picked by us as the best of the best catering options that Tallahassee has to offer for each food category. Simply select from the vendors listed above, contact them directly, and they will take care of the rest. In fairness to all our caterers, our featured cater changes regularly.